What to eat in Yigyakarta?

One of the most enjoyable experiences we had in Java was an evening spent exploring the characteristic street food in Yogyakarta.

This incredible city has so much to offer and spending an evening eating typical Indonesian food is a very interesting experience that will bring you closer to Indonesian culture.

What to eat in Yogyakarta: street food!

Yogyakarta was our first contact with Indonesia. We landed at the airport in the afternoon and, like true Italians, our first thought was about food in Indonesia, so we decided to start our trip with an evening tour to discover Yogyakarta’s street food!

We organised this private tour with a local agency that offers unique and special experiences that allow you to get in touch with the local culture and experience life in Yogyakarta and the surrounding areas. You can visit the agency’s website at this link, where you will find many types of experiences that are interesting and different from the classic tours offered by tourist agencies.

The tour to discover what to eat in Yogyakarta was a very enjoyable experience and allowed us to get closer to and learn more about the culture and everyday life in Indonesia.

Ingresso all'Aeroporto internazionale di Yogyakarta a Giava in Indonesia

Yogyakarta International airport

Yogyakarta all'alba e vulcano Merapi a Giava in Indonesia

View of Yogyakarta

Becak: the right means of transport to discover Yogyakarta street food

For this tour to find out qhat to eat in Yogyakarta we used a becak… but what is a becak? It is the traditional means of transport used in the cities of Java.

The original version consists of a bicycle to which baskets, crates or containers were added to carry goods and people. The modern version has replaced the bicycle with a scooter and a kind of wrought-iron bench welded to the handlebars of the scooter. Although it may seem a bit scary at first, especially because of the heavy traffic in Yogyakarta, we guarantee that it is a really fun experience!

Becak, mezzo locale di trasporto a Yogyakarta in Indonesia

Our becak to find out what to eat in Yogyakarta

Street food Yogyakarta: The first stop to discover food in Indonesia, the Bakpia

The first stop on our Yogyakarta street food tour was the Bakpia Pathok 25 factory, located in the heart of Yogyakarta and the neighbourhood where these fantastic sweets are made. A curious feature of Jogja is that there are neighbourhoods that specialise in the production of certain types of food, and to distinguish between them, the shops are numbered. For example, we went to Bakpia Pathok 25, but there are also numbers 932 and 325. The factory at Bakpia Pathok 25 is very famous, and many Indonesians from other islands who are on holiday in Java stop by the shop to buy bakpia to take home (you will notice this at the airport!).

The shop also sells some typical Indonesian snacks, the equivalent of our crisps, but with a special twist: if you are feeling adventurous, you can try fried delicacies such as cow fat, rice paddy snakes, chicken brains and cow intestines! These are very special snacks that are perfect for eating on the street as Yogyakarta street food.

But what are bakpia? They are small, button-shaped treats made of fried dough and a filling that can vary, similar to mini-doughnuts. The filling can be sweet or savoury, and we tried chocolate, green bean, cheese and pineapple.

What to eat Yogyakarta: the second stop to discover food in Indonesia, the gudeg

After grabbing a box of excellent mixed bakpia, we set off in the direction of our second stop, near the Sultan’s Palace, which is located in the old town of Jogja. We arrived at a street with several typical places, where we dined on one of Indonesia’s typical dishes: gudeg. Gudeg is a traditional food dish in Indonesia consisting of white rice to which is added chicken (with or without legs, your choice), hard-boiled eggs, fried cow fat cooked with chilli and tomato, jackfruit stew and tempeh, a relative of tofu obtained from the fermentation of soya, very tasty and energetic. The gudeg is a very inexpensive dish, costing around 2 euro, and is very filling.

The place where we enjoyed our Yogyakarta street food dinner was a typical warung, the equivalent of an inn, generally family-run, serving local dishes at cheap prices.

Bakpia cibo street food dalla cucina tipica indonesiana a Yogyakarta

Bakpia Pathok 25

Gudeg il piatto tipico indonesiano come cibo street food a Yogyakarta in Indonesia

Gudeg Wijilan Hj.Bu Lies

Street food in Yogyakarta: the third stop to discover food in Indonesia, the wedang ronde

After a hearty dinner, we climbed back into our becak and headed to our last stop to end the evening with a dessert. We arrived at the southern square of the Sultan’s Palace, surrounded by numerous take-away trucks and crowded with people strolling, chatting while sitting on the grass or playing games.

To digest our dinner, we stopped in this square to take part in a typical Jogja game: once blindfolded, we had to try to pass between two very large trees that stood in the middle of the square, and only the pure of heart could do it!

After a vain attempt, to console ourselves, we went for dessert: wedang ronde. It is a hot ginger soup (rather spicy) with slivered almonds or peanuts, bread cubes and super sweet glutinous rice balls that were really good!
Our evening ended satiated and happy, having had this fantastic experience discovering the nightlife and food of Jogja, and we finally returned happy to our hotel.

Auto illuminate divertenti per una serata a Yogyakarta in Indonesia

Nightlife in Yogyakarta

Cena street food con cibo tipico di Yogyakarta in Indonesia

Full and happy

Divertimento nella piazza del Palazzo del Sultano nella città di Yogyakarta in Indonesia

South Place of Sultan's Palace

If you are planning a holiday in Indonesia and are passing through Jogja, we definitely recommend taking this tour, which will allow you to immerse yourself in the culinary traditions of Java and experience the city in night mode! Another great experience we had in Jogja was a beautiful full-day bicycle tour from the Borobudur temple to the Prambanan temples, which allowed us to pass through traditional villages, forests and rice fields.

We wish you a good read discovering magical Indonesia, stay tuned to this channel and in touch via social and above all…trip to try!

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