A little of our history

We are Barbara and Riccardo, two engineers by profession and a couple since way back in 2004.

We met when we were still two kids not yet of age, and together we grew up, learning about each other and cultivating common passions. This is how we discovered, once our economic situation was stabilized, our love for traveling.

After some time and several attempts, we were finally able to figure out what type of travel is most in our bones and what are the two basic ingredients of our perfect recipe: trying new experiences and learning about new cultures.

It sounds obvious and trite, but the more we talk to the people around us and those we meet during our travels, the more we realize it is not. That is why we decided to embark on this new adventure, making our own blog and trying to share our experiences and pass on what we have learned from trip to trip.


Our travel philosophy

Have you ever wondered what travel means to you? Or what kind of tourist you want to be?
We too have asked ourselves these questions, and from trip to trip we are finding our answers.

For us, travel is not just about seeing a beautiful place or relaxing on a paradise beach, travel must be an experience, because all experiences leave a mark and bring something new to ourselves.

For us, travel is about knowledge, soul enrichment and experimentation because these are the real memories that will remain forever in our minds and improve us as people, not the souvenirs that get dusty on the furniture.

So here is the first rule of our “code”: observe, amalgamate and try. For us, it is crucial to observe how the people who live in that place talk to each other, what are their customs, what is their way of relating to “foreigners,” and then try to live that way, not to be noticed as “the tourist who wants things the way he likes them.” Without knowing the people, culture, and customs of a place, can you say you have really been there?

And here I connect to the second rule of our code: respect. Once you understand, at least a little, what life is like in a place it will be easier to have respect for that place. If, for us, a trip is a huge gift given to us by the place we visit, its people and its culture, the least we can do is not to be a burden, not to be a nuisance, not to behave as if we are “masters of everything.” Rather, as travelers we can give something in return: our curiosity and interest. Raise your hand if you are not happy when you invite someone to your home and the guests ask for the dessert recipe because it was so good or compliment a handmade piece of furniture!

When we talk about experimenting, we also refer to another passion we have: food. And yes…we are Italian and for us food is sacred and we think that savoring something is a great sensory experience.

But beware: if you are looking for articles about where to go to eat Italian cuisine in a country abroad…leave all hope behind, oh you who enter this blog!
So, here’s our third and (for the moment, last) rule: when in a country, cookery is where you are.

CHI SIAMO trip to try blue lagoon

We decided to start this blog because we want to tell you about our way of traveling, hoping that it will be helpful to those who share our way of understanding it, and because we hope that the experiences we have had can be experienced by other people as well. But we also hope that this “place” will allow us to learn new things from you, new places to visit and new ways of experiencing travel that match our philosophy, enriching each other within this small community that shares the same interests! So please feel free to contact us to share information and know that all your feedback is important to us!
We wish you a safe journey through our blog and most importantly…trip to try!